Real-time monitoring of earthquakes in Indonesia. Epicenter map and table.

Data from EMSC, European-Mediterranean Seismological Centre

Earthquake in Indonesia - Epicenters symbols

The map shows the epicenters of earthquakes recorded in Indonesia. The color of the icons indicates the magnitude.  White: M<2 .  Green: 2≤M<3 .  Yellow: 3≤M<4 .  Orange: 4≤M<5 .  Red: 5≤M<6 .  Purple: 6≤M<7 . Black: M≥7 .
Click on the icon to view the details of the seismic event.
Below the earthquake epicenter map there is a table with details of all earthquakes.
The time of the earthquake is in UTC time. In Central European countries, when solar time (winter) is in effect, the CET time is used which is equal to UTC +1 hour, while when daylight saving time is in effect, CEST time is used which is equal to UTC +2 hours.
Right now it is 07:46 UTC.

 Select the minimum magnitude              M≥1    M≥2    M≥3    M≥4    M≥5    M≥6    M≥7   

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Did you feel an earthquakein Indonesia?

It usually takes at least 15 minutes to get information on epicenter position and magnitude of an earthquake. Reload the page for the latest update by clicking here.
NB: to reduce processing times, a limit of 1000 events has been set to the query executed.

9 earthquakes in Indonesia with M≥4 between Monday 22 April and Tuesday 23 April.
There are 9 earthquakes in the database, 0 of which with 1≤M<2 (0.0%), 0 with 2≤M<3 (0.0%), 0 with 3≤M<4 (0.0%), 7 with 4≤M<5 (77.8%), 2 with 5≤M<6 (22.2%), 0 with 6≤M<7 (0.0%), 0 with M≥7 (0.0%).

Earthquakes - Seismic events starting with the most recent one
UTC Date and Time Magnitude Depth Lat. and Lon Geographic Info
23-04-2024 07:56 4.5 406 km -6.13; 127.58 Banda Sea
Seismic event details: click here
23-04-2024 00:11 4.5 155 km -7.68; 127.57 Kepulauan Barat Daya, Indonesia
Seismic event details: click here
22-04-2024 21:36 4.2 10 km -0.76; 122.11 Sulawesi, Indonesia
Seismic event details: click here
22-04-2024 19:17 4.0 299 km -7.57; 117.38 Bali Sea
Seismic event details: click here
22-04-2024 19:01 4.4 10 km -6.20; 150.78 New Britain Region, P.n.g.
Seismic event details: click here
22-04-2024 18:30 4.5 93 km 0.95; 98.81 Nias Region, Indonesia
Seismic event details: click here
22-04-2024 13:18 4.9 255 km 0.73; 123.84 Minahasa, Sulawesi, Indonesia
Seismic event details: click here
22-04-2024 13:11 5.3 35 km -8.92; 111.28 Java, Indonesia
Seismic event details: click here
22-04-2024 13:10 5.2 69 km -8.89; 111.39 Java, Indonesia
Seismic event details: click here

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Earthquake archive since 2023

EARTHQUAKES YEAR 2023 - To consult the seismic events recorded on 2023 click on the link.

EARTHQUAKES YEAR 2024 - To consult the seismic events recorded on 2024 click on the link.