Lucca weather forecast

Weather forecast for Lucca from multiple models

Comparison of weather forecasts for Lucca issued today, Friday 13 September 2024.

Choose the region, the province and click on the name of the desired city to get the weather forecast until Thursday 19 September. The city now selected is Lucca. Find out the weather in Lucca during the weekend.

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Weather forecast for Lucca by

On graph, the temperature at 2 m above the ground (2mT) and rain are displayed by default. Other weather data available are: temperature at 925 hPa, 850 hPa and 500 hPa (see notes).

 Choose the weather data to display (multiple choice) and press "Send"    2mT   t925   t850   average t850   t500   rain       

previsioni meteo Lucca.
Previsioni meteo per la città di Lucca fino a 7 giorni. I valori di temperatura (espressi in °C) sono da leggersi sull'asse delle ordinate di sinistra, mentre quelli delle precipitazioni (in mm) sull'asse di destra. A 850 hPa è possibile visualizzare anche la media climatologica della temperatura (media t850hpa) calcolata per gli anni 1979-2008 (fonte: NOAA) per la città selezionata.

Temperature minime, temperature massime e pioggia fino a 7 giorni a Lucca by

Ven 13/09Sab 14/09Dom 15/09Lun 16/09Mar 17/09Mer 18/09Gio 19/09
T MIN10°10°10°10°10°
T MAX18°20°22°22°20°21°22°
PIOGGIA2.5 mm0.0 mm0.0 mm1.1 mm0.0 mm0.0 mm0.0 mm

Notes on the forecast model used by

Note 1: the forecast, based on the American GFS model, is obtained from an interpolation of low spatial resolution data (0.25° latitude and longitude). For this reason, the forecast produced is just an estimate. Particular attention is paid to the temperature at 2 meters above the ground and to rainfall, as these quantities are influenced by possible local effects (think, for example, on heat of the cities). As the altitude increases, the local effects are attenuated, so the reliability of the temperatures at 925, 850 and 500 hPa are increasing.
Note 2: 925, 850 and 500 hPa correspond to altitudes which vary from place to place and with the season. As a rough estimate, they correspond, respectively, to about 800, 1400 and 5500 m asl, but for greater precision consult the updated geopotential maps.

Lucca weather forecast by

Lucca weather forecast by

Lucca weather forecast by

Toscana weather forecast by

The following map shows the weather forecast issued by for the Toscana region.

Italy: weather forecast by

The following map shows the weather forecast issued by for the Italy.

Toscana weather forecast by

The following map shows the weather forecast issued by for the Toscana region.

Toscana weather forecast by

The following map shows the weather forecast issued by for the Toscana region.

Webcam Lucca e dintorni

Un modo immediato per osservare il tempo a Lucca sono le webcam. In questa sezione sono mostrate le 4 webcam più vicine a Lucca. Cliccando sull'immagine si accede ad una pagina dedicata nella quale sono presenti altre utili webcam.

Webcam Lucca (20 m)

webcam  Lucca (20 m), webcam provincia di Lucca
by - Clicca per vedere tutte le foto.

Webcam Arena Metato (5 m), San Giuliano Terme (PI)

webcam  Arena Metato (5 m), San Giuliano Terme (PI), webcam provincia di Pisa
by - Clicca per vedere tutte le foto.

Webcam Collodi (LU, 125 m)

webcam  Collodi (LU, 125 m), webcam provincia di Lucca
by - Clicca per ingrandire e scoprire altre webcam.

Webcam Pisa (5 m)

webcam  Pisa (5 m), webcam provincia di Pisa
by - Clicca per ingrandire e scoprire altre webcam.

Lucca sunrise and sunset times

For Lucca sunrise and sunset times, click on the link. Find out sunrise and sunset times and day length in Lucca for all the 2024 year.

Weather forecast for regions - Press on the name to show/hide the city list.