Sunrise and sunset times in Chiavari in 2025

All the information about sunrise and sunset of 2025

Chiavari Solar Almanac - Year: 2025

In this page you'll find at what time does the sun rise and set today, Sunday 9 February 2025 in Chiavari and the daylength. For today, tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, civil, nautical and astronomical sunrises and sunsets are also reported. Further down in a table all sunrise and sunset times and day length for 2025 in Chiavari are shown.

In Chiavari it is 4:20 pm on 9 February 2025. The Sun rose 8 hours and 51 minutes ago at 07:28 am and will set in 1 hours and 24 minutes at 17:44 pm. Today the length of the day is 10 hours and 16 minutes.

City selection

For sunrise and sunset times of a city other than Chiavari, select the region, the province and then the city.

TODAY - Sunday 9 February

SUNRISE: 07:28 am
SUNSET: 17:44 pm
DAYLENGTH: 10 ore e 16 minuti



TOMORROW - Monday 10 February

SUNRISE: 07:27 am
SUNSET: 17:46 pm
DAYLENGTH: 10 ore e 19 minuti



THE DAY AFTER TMW - Tuesday 11 February

SUNRISE: 07:26 am
SUNSET: 17:47 pm
DAYLENGTH: 10 ore e 22 minuti



Curiosities about sunrise and sunset and duration of sunlight for 2025 in Chiavari

Graph of sunrise, sunset and daylight hours duration in 2025 in Chiavari

Interactive chart with all sunrise and sunset times and sunlight duration for 2025 in Chiavari. Hover over the lines to get information about each day.

2025 solar almanac in Chiavari

The following tables show all the sunrise and sunset times in 2025 (solar hours) and the total duration of daylight in Chiavari.

NOTE: in the table, the sunrise and sunset times are rounded to the minute, thus omitting the seconds values. For the calculation of the duration of sunlight, the sunrise and sunset times are used with the utmost precision and then the result of the difference is rounded up to the minute. For this reason it may happen that the length of the day does not coincide with the time difference between sunrise and sunset displayed, but presents an apparent error of 1 minute.
For example, in Milan, on January 8, the sun rises at 8:00:33" (approximately 8:01), sets at 16:59:19" (approximately 16:59), and the length of the day is calculated from the difference of the times of the two more precise times (obtaining 8h58'46") and then performing the approximation (obtaining 8h59'), and not from the difference of the approximated times, with which we would have obtained 8h58'.

January 2025

Day Sunrise Sunset Day
01/01/2025 07:56 16:55 8h59'
02/01/2025 07:56 16:56 9h00'
03/01/2025 07:56 16:57 9h01'
04/01/2025 07:56 16:58 9h02'
05/01/2025 07:56 16:59 9h03'
06/01/2025 07:56 17:00 9h04'
07/01/2025 07:56 17:01 9h06'
08/01/2025 07:56 17:02 9h07'
09/01/2025 07:55 17:04 9h08'
10/01/2025 07:55 17:05 9h10'
11/01/2025 07:55 17:06 9h11'
12/01/2025 07:54 17:07 9h13'
13/01/2025 07:54 17:08 9h14'
14/01/2025 07:53 17:09 9h16'
15/01/2025 07:53 17:11 9h18'
16/01/2025 07:52 17:12 9h20'
17/01/2025 07:52 17:13 9h22'
18/01/2025 07:51 17:14 9h23'
19/01/2025 07:50 17:16 9h25'
20/01/2025 07:50 17:17 9h27'
21/01/2025 07:49 17:18 9h29'
22/01/2025 07:48 17:20 9h32'
23/01/2025 07:47 17:21 9h34'
24/01/2025 07:46 17:22 9h36'
25/01/2025 07:45 17:24 9h38'
26/01/2025 07:45 17:25 9h40'
27/01/2025 07:44 17:26 9h43'
28/01/2025 07:43 17:28 9h45'
29/01/2025 07:42 17:29 9h48'
30/01/2025 07:41 17:30 9h50'
31/01/2025 07:39 17:32 9h52'

February 2025

Day Sunrise Sunset Day
01/02/2025 07:38 17:33 9h55'
02/02/2025 07:37 17:35 9h57'
03/02/2025 07:36 17:36 10h00'
04/02/2025 07:35 17:37 10h03'
05/02/2025 07:34 17:39 10h05'
06/02/2025 07:32 17:40 10h08'
07/02/2025 07:31 17:42 10h11'
08/02/2025 07:30 17:43 10h13'
09/02/2025 07:28 17:44 10h16'
10/02/2025 07:27 17:46 10h19'
11/02/2025 07:26 17:47 10h22'
12/02/2025 07:24 17:49 10h24'
13/02/2025 07:23 17:50 10h27'
14/02/2025 07:21 17:51 10h30'
15/02/2025 07:20 17:53 10h33'
16/02/2025 07:18 17:54 10h36'
17/02/2025 07:17 17:55 10h39'
18/02/2025 07:15 17:57 10h42'
19/02/2025 07:14 17:58 10h44'
20/02/2025 07:12 18:00 10h47'
21/02/2025 07:11 18:01 10h50'
22/02/2025 07:09 18:02 10h53'
23/02/2025 07:07 18:04 10h56'
24/02/2025 07:06 18:05 10h59'
25/02/2025 07:04 18:06 11h02'
26/02/2025 07:02 18:08 11h05'
27/02/2025 07:01 18:09 11h08'
28/02/2025 06:59 18:10 11h11'

March 2025

Day Sunrise Sunset Day
01/03/2025 06:57 18:12 11h14'
02/03/2025 06:56 18:13 11h17'
03/03/2025 06:54 18:14 11h20'
04/03/2025 06:52 18:16 11h23'
05/03/2025 06:50 18:17 11h26'
06/03/2025 06:49 18:18 11h30'
07/03/2025 06:47 18:19 11h33'
08/03/2025 06:45 18:21 11h36'
09/03/2025 06:43 18:22 11h39'
10/03/2025 06:41 18:23 11h42'
11/03/2025 06:40 18:25 11h45'
12/03/2025 06:38 18:26 11h48'
13/03/2025 06:36 18:27 11h51'
14/03/2025 06:34 18:28 11h54'
15/03/2025 06:32 18:30 11h57'
16/03/2025 06:31 18:31 12h00'
17/03/2025 06:29 18:32 12h03'
18/03/2025 06:27 18:33 12h06'
19/03/2025 06:25 18:35 12h10'
20/03/2025 06:23 18:36 12h13'
21/03/2025 06:21 18:37 12h16'
22/03/2025 06:20 18:38 12h19'
23/03/2025 06:18 18:40 12h22'
24/03/2025 06:16 18:41 12h25'
25/03/2025 06:14 18:42 12h28'
26/03/2025 06:12 18:43 12h31'
27/03/2025 06:10 18:45 12h34'
28/03/2025 06:09 18:46 12h37'
29/03/2025 06:07 18:47 12h40'
30/03/2025 06:05 18:48 12h43'
31/03/2025 06:03 18:50 12h47'

April 2025

Day Sunrise Sunset Day
01/04/2025 06:01 18:51 12h50'
02/04/2025 05:59 18:52 12h53'
03/04/2025 05:58 18:53 12h56'
04/04/2025 05:56 18:54 12h59'
05/04/2025 05:54 18:56 13h02'
06/04/2025 05:52 18:57 13h05'
07/04/2025 05:50 18:58 13h08'
08/04/2025 05:49 18:59 13h11'
09/04/2025 05:47 19:01 13h14'
10/04/2025 05:45 19:02 13h17'
11/04/2025 05:43 19:03 13h20'
12/04/2025 05:42 19:04 13h23'
13/04/2025 05:40 19:06 13h26'
14/04/2025 05:38 19:07 13h29'
15/04/2025 05:36 19:08 13h32'
16/04/2025 05:35 19:09 13h35'
17/04/2025 05:33 19:10 13h37'
18/04/2025 05:31 19:12 13h40'
19/04/2025 05:30 19:13 13h43'
20/04/2025 05:28 19:14 13h46'
21/04/2025 05:26 19:15 13h49'
22/04/2025 05:25 19:17 13h52'
23/04/2025 05:23 19:18 13h55'
24/04/2025 05:22 19:19 13h58'
25/04/2025 05:20 19:20 14h00'
26/04/2025 05:18 19:22 14h03'
27/04/2025 05:17 19:23 14h06'
28/04/2025 05:15 19:24 14h09'
29/04/2025 05:14 19:25 14h11'
30/04/2025 05:12 19:26 14h14'

May 2025

Day Sunrise Sunset Day
01/05/2025 05:11 19:28 14h17'
02/05/2025 05:10 19:29 14h19'
03/05/2025 05:08 19:30 14h22'
04/05/2025 05:07 19:31 14h24'
05/05/2025 05:05 19:32 14h27'
06/05/2025 05:04 19:34 14h30'
07/05/2025 05:03 19:35 14h32'
08/05/2025 05:01 19:36 14h35'
09/05/2025 05:00 19:37 14h37'
10/05/2025 04:59 19:38 14h39'
11/05/2025 04:58 19:39 14h42'
12/05/2025 04:57 19:41 14h44'
13/05/2025 04:55 19:42 14h46'
14/05/2025 04:54 19:43 14h49'
15/05/2025 04:53 19:44 14h51'
16/05/2025 04:52 19:45 14h53'
17/05/2025 04:51 19:46 14h55'
18/05/2025 04:50 19:47 14h57'
19/05/2025 04:49 19:48 14h59'
20/05/2025 04:48 19:49 15h01'
21/05/2025 04:47 19:51 15h03'
22/05/2025 04:46 19:52 15h05'
23/05/2025 04:45 19:53 15h07'
24/05/2025 04:45 19:54 15h09'
25/05/2025 04:44 19:55 15h11'
26/05/2025 04:43 19:56 15h12'
27/05/2025 04:42 19:56 15h14'
28/05/2025 04:42 19:57 15h16'
29/05/2025 04:41 19:58 15h17'
30/05/2025 04:40 19:59 15h19'
31/05/2025 04:40 20:00 15h20'

June 2025

Day Sunrise Sunset Day
01/06/2025 04:39 20:01 15h22'
02/06/2025 04:39 20:02 15h23'
03/06/2025 04:38 20:03 15h24'
04/06/2025 04:38 20:03 15h25'
05/06/2025 04:38 20:04 15h27'
06/06/2025 04:37 20:05 15h28'
07/06/2025 04:37 20:05 15h29'
08/06/2025 04:37 20:06 15h29'
09/06/2025 04:36 20:07 15h30'
10/06/2025 04:36 20:07 15h31'
11/06/2025 04:36 20:08 15h32'
12/06/2025 04:36 20:08 15h33'
13/06/2025 04:36 20:09 15h33'
14/06/2025 04:36 20:09 15h34'
15/06/2025 04:36 20:10 15h34'
16/06/2025 04:36 20:10 15h34'
17/06/2025 04:36 20:11 15h35'
18/06/2025 04:36 20:11 15h35'
19/06/2025 04:36 20:11 15h35'
20/06/2025 04:36 20:11 15h35'
21/06/2025 04:36 20:12 15h35'
22/06/2025 04:37 20:12 15h35'
23/06/2025 04:37 20:12 15h35'
24/06/2025 04:37 20:12 15h35'
25/06/2025 04:38 20:12 15h34'
26/06/2025 04:38 20:12 15h34'
27/06/2025 04:38 20:12 15h34'
28/06/2025 04:39 20:12 15h33'
29/06/2025 04:39 20:12 15h33'
30/06/2025 04:40 20:12 15h32'

July 2025

Day Sunrise Sunset Day
01/07/2025 04:40 20:12 15h31'
02/07/2025 04:41 20:12 15h31'
03/07/2025 04:42 20:11 15h30'
04/07/2025 04:42 20:11 15h29'
05/07/2025 04:43 20:11 15h28'
06/07/2025 04:44 20:10 15h27'
07/07/2025 04:44 20:10 15h26'
08/07/2025 04:45 20:10 15h25'
09/07/2025 04:46 20:09 15h23'
10/07/2025 04:47 20:09 15h22'
11/07/2025 04:47 20:08 15h21'
12/07/2025 04:48 20:08 15h19'
13/07/2025 04:49 20:07 15h18'
14/07/2025 04:50 20:06 15h16'
15/07/2025 04:51 20:06 15h15'
16/07/2025 04:52 20:05 15h13'
17/07/2025 04:53 20:04 15h11'
18/07/2025 04:54 20:03 15h10'
19/07/2025 04:55 20:02 15h08'
20/07/2025 04:56 20:02 15h06'
21/07/2025 04:57 20:01 15h04'
22/07/2025 04:58 20:00 15h02'
23/07/2025 04:59 19:59 15h00'
24/07/2025 05:00 19:58 14h58'
25/07/2025 05:01 19:57 14h56'
26/07/2025 05:02 19:56 14h54'
27/07/2025 05:03 19:55 14h52'
28/07/2025 05:04 19:54 14h50'
29/07/2025 05:05 19:52 14h47'
30/07/2025 05:06 19:51 14h45'
31/07/2025 05:07 19:50 14h43'

August 2025

Day Sunrise Sunset Day
01/08/2025 05:08 19:49 14h41'
02/08/2025 05:09 19:48 14h38'
03/08/2025 05:11 19:46 14h36'
04/08/2025 05:12 19:45 14h33'
05/08/2025 05:13 19:44 14h31'
06/08/2025 05:14 19:42 14h28'
07/08/2025 05:15 19:41 14h26'
08/08/2025 05:16 19:39 14h23'
09/08/2025 05:17 19:38 14h21'
10/08/2025 05:18 19:37 14h18'
11/08/2025 05:20 19:35 14h15'
12/08/2025 05:21 19:34 14h13'
13/08/2025 05:22 19:32 14h10'
14/08/2025 05:23 19:31 14h07'
15/08/2025 05:24 19:29 14h05'
16/08/2025 05:25 19:27 14h02'
17/08/2025 05:27 19:26 13h59'
18/08/2025 05:28 19:24 13h57'
19/08/2025 05:29 19:23 13h54'
20/08/2025 05:30 19:21 13h51'
21/08/2025 05:31 19:19 13h48'
22/08/2025 05:32 19:18 13h45'
23/08/2025 05:34 19:16 13h42'
24/08/2025 05:35 19:14 13h40'
25/08/2025 05:36 19:13 13h37'
26/08/2025 05:37 19:11 13h34'
27/08/2025 05:38 19:09 13h31'
28/08/2025 05:39 19:07 13h28'
29/08/2025 05:41 19:06 13h25'
30/08/2025 05:42 19:04 13h22'
31/08/2025 05:43 19:02 13h19'

September 2025

Day Sunrise Sunset Day
01/09/2025 05:44 19:00 13h16'
02/09/2025 05:45 18:59 13h13'
03/09/2025 05:46 18:57 13h10'
04/09/2025 05:47 18:55 13h07'
05/09/2025 05:49 18:53 13h04'
06/09/2025 05:50 18:51 13h01'
07/09/2025 05:51 18:49 12h59'
08/09/2025 05:52 18:48 12h56'
09/09/2025 05:53 18:46 12h53'
10/09/2025 05:54 18:44 12h50'
11/09/2025 05:56 18:42 12h46'
12/09/2025 05:57 18:40 12h43'
13/09/2025 05:58 18:38 12h40'
14/09/2025 05:59 18:36 12h37'
15/09/2025 06:00 18:35 12h34'
16/09/2025 06:01 18:33 12h31'
17/09/2025 06:02 18:31 12h28'
18/09/2025 06:04 18:29 12h25'
19/09/2025 06:05 18:27 12h22'
20/09/2025 06:06 18:25 12h19'
21/09/2025 06:07 18:23 12h16'
22/09/2025 06:08 18:21 12h13'
23/09/2025 06:09 18:20 12h10'
24/09/2025 06:11 18:18 12h07'
25/09/2025 06:12 18:16 12h04'
26/09/2025 06:13 18:14 12h01'
27/09/2025 06:14 18:12 11h58'
28/09/2025 06:15 18:10 11h55'
29/09/2025 06:16 18:08 11h52'
30/09/2025 06:18 18:07 11h49'

October 2025

Day Sunrise Sunset Day
01/10/2025 06:19 18:05 11h46'
02/10/2025 06:20 18:03 11h43'
03/10/2025 06:21 18:01 11h40'
04/10/2025 06:22 17:59 11h37'
05/10/2025 06:24 17:57 11h34'
06/10/2025 06:25 17:56 11h31'
07/10/2025 06:26 17:54 11h28'
08/10/2025 06:27 17:52 11h25'
09/10/2025 06:29 17:50 11h22'
10/10/2025 06:30 17:48 11h19'
11/10/2025 06:31 17:47 11h16'
12/10/2025 06:32 17:45 11h13'
13/10/2025 06:34 17:43 11h10'
14/10/2025 06:35 17:42 11h07'
15/10/2025 06:36 17:40 11h04'
16/10/2025 06:37 17:38 11h01'
17/10/2025 06:39 17:36 10h58'
18/10/2025 06:40 17:35 10h55'
19/10/2025 06:41 17:33 10h52'
20/10/2025 06:42 17:32 10h49'
21/10/2025 06:44 17:30 10h46'
22/10/2025 06:45 17:28 10h43'
23/10/2025 06:46 17:27 10h40'
24/10/2025 06:48 17:25 10h38'
25/10/2025 06:49 17:24 10h35'
26/10/2025 06:50 17:22 10h32'
27/10/2025 06:51 17:21 10h29'
28/10/2025 06:53 17:19 10h26'
29/10/2025 06:54 17:18 10h24'
30/10/2025 06:55 17:16 10h21'
31/10/2025 06:57 17:15 10h18'

November 2025

Day Sunrise Sunset Day
01/11/2025 06:58 17:13 10h15'
02/11/2025 06:59 17:12 10h13'
03/11/2025 07:01 17:11 10h10'
04/11/2025 07:02 17:09 10h07'
05/11/2025 07:03 17:08 10h05'
06/11/2025 07:05 17:07 10h02'
07/11/2025 07:06 17:06 10h00'
08/11/2025 07:07 17:04 9h57'
09/11/2025 07:09 17:03 9h55'
10/11/2025 07:10 17:02 9h52'
11/11/2025 07:11 17:01 9h50'
12/11/2025 07:13 17:00 9h47'
13/11/2025 07:14 16:59 9h45'
14/11/2025 07:15 16:58 9h42'
15/11/2025 07:17 16:57 9h40'
16/11/2025 07:18 16:56 9h38'
17/11/2025 07:19 16:55 9h36'
18/11/2025 07:21 16:54 9h34'
19/11/2025 07:22 16:53 9h31'
20/11/2025 07:23 16:53 9h29'
21/11/2025 07:25 16:52 9h27'
22/11/2025 07:26 16:51 9h25'
23/11/2025 07:27 16:50 9h23'
24/11/2025 07:28 16:50 9h21'
25/11/2025 07:29 16:49 9h20'
26/11/2025 07:31 16:48 9h18'
27/11/2025 07:32 16:48 9h16'
28/11/2025 07:33 16:47 9h14'
29/11/2025 07:34 16:47 9h13'
30/11/2025 07:35 16:47 9h11'

December 2025

Day Sunrise Sunset Day
01/12/2025 07:36 16:46 9h10'
02/12/2025 07:38 16:46 9h08'
03/12/2025 07:39 16:46 9h07'
04/12/2025 07:40 16:45 9h06'
05/12/2025 07:41 16:45 9h04'
06/12/2025 07:42 16:45 9h03'
07/12/2025 07:43 16:45 9h02'
08/12/2025 07:44 16:45 9h01'
09/12/2025 07:45 16:45 9h00'
10/12/2025 07:45 16:45 8h59'
11/12/2025 07:46 16:45 8h58'
12/12/2025 07:47 16:45 8h58'
13/12/2025 07:48 16:45 8h57'
14/12/2025 07:49 16:45 8h56'
15/12/2025 07:49 16:45 8h56'
16/12/2025 07:50 16:46 8h55'
17/12/2025 07:51 16:46 8h55'
18/12/2025 07:51 16:46 8h55'
19/12/2025 07:52 16:47 8h55'
20/12/2025 07:53 16:47 8h54'
21/12/2025 07:53 16:48 8h54'
22/12/2025 07:54 16:48 8h54'
23/12/2025 07:54 16:49 8h55'
24/12/2025 07:55 16:49 8h55'
25/12/2025 07:55 16:50 8h55'
26/12/2025 07:55 16:51 8h55'
27/12/2025 07:55 16:51 8h56'
28/12/2025 07:56 16:52 8h56'
29/12/2025 07:56 16:53 8h57'
30/12/2025 07:56 16:54 8h57'
31/12/2025 07:56 16:54 8h58'
Definitions of twiligh, sunrise, sunset

Definitions of twilight, sunrise, sunset

Twilight is the gradual passage of illumination that joins the deep night with the day (morning twilight) and the day with the deep night (evening twilight), where by day we mean the temporal interval between sunrise and sunset, i.e. until the first and last ray of the Sun arrives directly on the Earth. Late night is that period of total shade, in which sunlight no longer has any contribution. During twilight, the Earth still receives an indirect contribution from solar illumination, through the scattering and reflection of light by the atmosphere.
Twilight is conventionally measured at sea level and at the celestial equator, as an angular variation of the Earth's rotation, for a total of 18°, and is divided into three types (astronomical, nautical, civil), each of .
The morning astronomical twilight includes the period between the end of the astronomical night when the center of the Sun reaches 108° of the zenith distance (-18° from the horizon) and the beginning of the nautical twilight (102° of zenith distance, -12° from the horizon). When the Sun is at -18° from the horizon, its contribution to illuminating the sky is almost zero. The evening astronomical twilight is also defined in a specular way.
Morning nautical twilight includes the period between the end of astronomical twilight and the beginning of civil twilight (96° of zenithal distance°, -6° from the horizon). During this time it is possible to distinguish the line of the marine horizon and the main stars at the same time. In these conditions, using nautical measuring instruments, such as the sextant, it is possible to establish one's geographical location and trace the navigation routes (hence the name). The evening nautical twilight is also defined in a specular way.
Morning civil twilight includes the period between the instant in which the centre of the Sun reaches the zenithal distance of 96° (-6° from the horizon) and its first rise. In the brightest part of this range it is still possible to distinguish the colors of objects.
The aurora is the appearance of light just before sunrise. It constitutes the last phase of the morning twilight or dawn. While in the early stages of twilight the luminosity is mainly due to sunlight reflected from the upper layers of the atmosphere, during the aurora the colored light refracted from the lower layers predominates.

Sunrise and sunset times for regions - Press on the name to show/hide the city list.